Sunday, September 03, 2006


weight loss success stories

weight loss success stories When did you become unhappy with your weight?

After my break-up with my ex-partner, I went through a severe depression. I had always had a weight issue even as a child and through adulthood the weight was becoming a severe health issue I was a size 20 and always felt fat and unattractive no matter how nice I dressed.

weight loss success stories What made you decide to lose weight?

In Aug of 2004, I worked as a baggage handler for the airlines and I saw about 10 pounds come off me, so I was enthused. But in Jan 2005 I auditioned and received the role as "power woman" in the play Menopause the Musical. I knew to keep the job and not have problems I had to lose the weight I went on an eating regimen and changed my way of life completely. Through eating right and living a healthy life. I also met a mentor who told me about Miracle Herb, so I went to their web site at

weight loss success stories What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?

My way of eating! DONT use any fad diets, diets pill, etc. Eating and exercising at least 3 times a week have to be a way of life. When I first started my weight transformation, I started out with protein shakes and healthy food. I walked 3-4 miles a day and I also went to my doctor. He is a weight loss specialist and he gave me a booklet on the do's and don't of eating. Even now when I want to get a little crazy with pizza and fried food, I think of the size 20 days. Nowaydays I take the subway instead of drive my car and the exercise works wonders! But most of all it is your intake of food. I also don't drink or smoke. The body is the temple.

weight loss success stories What was most challenging about losing weight?

The sit-ups that I still hate to do but I must do them everyday no matter what. The most challenging times were the plateaus. When I was doing everything but the weight didn't move. It was hard not to get discouraged and the times when it seemed that the weight didn't come off quick enough. I had to remember that fast results always led to an over weight body. It's quick to put on but slow to come off.

weight loss success stories How long did it take you to start to see results?

I began to see great results after 1 1/2 to 2 months.

weight loss success stories How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?

10 months.

weight loss success stories How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?

It's been a year. No matter how I want to eat, I still eat healthy. I have sugar-free candy and I eat salads instead of pizza late at night when I get hungry I have a cup or bowl of soup or some fruit . No matter how much I don't want to, I do some type of high level exercise at least 3-4 times a week. I gave away all my big clothes to charity or to people that needed them. Ibelieve that if you give the big clothes away then you don't have to and you won't go back to the past.

weight loss success stories How has your life changed now that you've lost weight?

My self-esteem is incredible . It helps me in my daily life from paying bills to going on stage as an actress. I feel that I accomplished that then I can accomplish anything in the world I put my mind to. Any time, any place, any circumstance!

weight loss success stories How Did Miracle Herb Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals?

I continued with the natural herbs and it helped me stay fit with their herbs! Miracle Herb is great and they have helped me maintain my weight loss with different tips they give and weight loss success stories.


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